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8 Tips to Protect Your Health

7 Secret Tips to Protect from CORONA VIRUS


The corona virus has already become a global epidemic.Therefore, there is no alternative to being alert or aware in the present situation.To protect yourself from the coroner in this situation Scientists are giving 7 suggestions.

1.In the list of daily foods Add onion, garlic, turmeric, ginger and ground pepper So that the body's immunity increases.

2.Drink green tea daily. Because it has anti-oxidants Which helps prevent infection.

3.Be aware of regular 7 to 9 hours of sleep

4.Try to relieve stress. Because mental stress reduces the body's immunity.

5.Try to drink at least 7 to 9 glasses of water a day. Because water removes harmful toxins from the body. Which helps keep you healthy.

6.Lastly, put lemon on the list of foods daily. Because lemon helps increase immunity.
