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8 Tips to Protect Your Health

How to control diabetes easily


Let's first understand what diabetes is? Diabetes is a chronic disease associated with hormones. This disease is caused by a deficiency of the hormone called insulin in the body or by insulin resistance or both. This disease increases the amount of sugar in the blood. The result is various complications and various organs of the body such as the eyes, teeth, kidneys gradually become disrupted. This is why keeping diabetes under control is very important.

Effective ways to easily control diabetes and maintain good health

 Walk: Walk for 30-55 minutes each morning. This will keep your body's insulin levels normal.

Keep weight under control: Keeping body weight under control can help you avoid complications from diabetes.
Avoid Fast-food: Fun fast-food is available in your hand. And these fast foods call for various diseases and disorders. And controls diabetes.

Avoid stress: Keeping diabetes under control is not an option to stay stress free.
Quit smoking: Smoking causes a variety of complex diseases, including cancer. Controls diabetes.

Avoid sugary foods: It is important for diabetics to refrain from eating sugary foods. Otherwise diabetes will not be controlled.

Adequate rest: Adequate rest is needed to control diabetes and maintain good health.


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